Considered as the most detrimental of hair treatments, re-bonding could be the name directed at a process by which chemical bonds in hair are broken. They’re then rearranged and bonded again. It provides permanent results and uses highly strong chemicals which are extremely harmful for delicate hair strands. During the treating re-bonding, a lotion is applied that helps perm hair. In addition it softens them and stops working their bonds. After that, hair is rinsed off thoroughly. An electrically powered styling device is employed to straighten hair with a rod. Finally, a neutralizer is applied which helps stabilize hair and reset broken bonds again.
After hair is treated during re-bonding, the hair shaft becomes weaker and easily breakable. These are chemically treated which makes them lose strength and flexibility. So, the ultimate consequence is just hair loss. It can not be undone since re-bonding is irreversible.
Mostly consequently of using lotions for hair straightening, there’s a sever brittleness that makes it difficult to manage and style. The tenacity of hair is totally lost. Although it gives softer hair however it uses highly toxic substances which are too damaging to be used.
Re-bonding needs increased volume rebonding is treated with this particular cruel process. You often have to rush to your hair stylist to handle the problem for you. What this means is another treatment; more products; extra applications of lotions, styling gels, spray or dyes etc. They’re all not so friendly, especially, when used heavily. As the word goes, “excess of everything is bad “.This is particularly so of hair treatments.
Has anybody found out about hair rebonding ? Is this like hair stretching? Is it gentle on hair ? I have a very sensitive scalp that when i switch shampoos and stuff, i get plenty of falling hairs.
Hair Rebonding is just a hair relaxing system that is very expensive but effectual. Considering setting it up in the event that you got the money.
My friend Jess had her hair rebonding done, and the hair was soft, super straight, shiny and fabulous. It had been so nice that when she moves, her hair appears like black satin. It had been expensive, her shoulder length hair cost her around $150! I’m wondering how much it’d cost for longer hair. But if the result is just like hers, I do believe it certainly is worth of it.
By asking the hair stylist how this hair relaxing service is completed, it will take at LEAST 4 hours to complete. It’s a little longer than other hair straightening system. The price with this hair relaxing service differs due to the type of chemicals they used, the location of the salon, and the experienced of the stylist.
Like some other process, the hair rebonding treatment was designed to last until your hair grows back. But many people say that this is the greatest treatment because they used a lot of protein treatment on the hair and they used heat from the hair straightener to straighten the hair. So its such as a 2 in 1 hair straightening treatment, by chemical and physical force.
Treated hair need frequent touch-ups as well as blow dry. Everyone is aware of the fact that intense heat is damaging to fragile hair shaft. The more it’s blow dried; the larger is the level of damage. People who don’t want their hair treated to be this ruthless way can’t break free with every one of these harmful managing techniques. There is no alternate. You really need to get hair managed and styled the risky way.
A dilemma of re-bonding is when new hairs are grown, they’re not straight. You need to get the procedure for those hairs again. So, the cycle continues and the damage increases after each and every session. Never consider getting any hair treatment in the event of a disease of scalp, a fungal infection and other problems. It’ll trigger the condition to a greater extent.
For many who remain dying to get straight hair , should work with a simple top quality straightening device before planning to a special party. It’s on temporary basis and doesn’t pose as much threats to the fitness of hair as permanent re-bonding. It uses only heat and no harsh chemicals. However, carrying it out regularly must certanly be avoided.